Sunday, 30 March 2014

48 years ago I visited Russia - this week I'm going back!

In March/April 1966 I was fortunate enough to be one of 18 student teachers from the U.K to take part in a cultural visit to Russia, then very much part of the Soviet Union. The month spent in the cities of Leningrad and Moscow was unforgettable. The political atmosphere between the Soviet Union and the West was chilly, the welcome of the Russian people warm. Each day was filled with educational visits, cultural experiences and a little study. Kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, theatre, ballet, opera, choral concerts, poetry readings, cinema, spectacular ice-skating and circus. It was an exhausting schedule, but through all of it my lasting impression was of the friendliness and generosity of the Russian people with whom we came into contact. There were amazing happenings, like the meeting in the hotel restaurant in Moscow with Yuri Gagarin and what seemed to be the entire group of Russian cosmonauts. It was wonderful to see one of them at the opening ceremony of the recent Winter Olympics in Sochi - the first woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova. There were the low points, like the lethal combination of Soviet cognac with a Soviet champagne chaser (a combination, I found out after the event, known as "The Prince of Darkness" ) which caused all sorts of problems, but allowed me to see more of Moscow that the rest of the group (mainly the inside of dental hospitals! ). And there was the desolation of departure, good-byes to newly made friends - railway platforms awash with tears.

I did make an attempt to return a year later - an unsuccessful attempt, but now, almost exactly forty eight years later, with tourist visa inserted into my passport, I am looking forward to visiting St.Petersburg (Leningrad) and Moscow again. There's a bonus city this time too - the historic city of Volgograd, formerly known as Stalingrad. It will be a much shorter visit this time, only 8 days, but the schedule will be almost as hectic.

I am travelling alone, with all hotel bookings and flights booked independently through the internet - to me that makes it more of an adventure! Having said that, I won't be spending too much time alone when I arrive in Russia. I will be meeting friends for the first time - friends who share my passion for music, and particularly the music of Québec. If you have followed my occasional blog before, you will know that since 2008 I have visited La Belle Province of Québec several times, and because of music have made some wonderful friends there. But the impact of Québecois music has also been felt in Russia, and several artists have achieved a star status there. Among the fans of Luce Dufault, Bruno Pelletier, Daniel Lavoie and several others are two particular young friends with whom I have corresponded and spoken with over the last few years: Daria and Iraida. Both massive fans of Luce Dufault (like me), Daria and Iraida have involved me in activities celebrating each new album, birthdays and Christmas. In turn, I have attempted to collect autographs, posters and anything else I could to send to them. The ultimate dream was to meet them both in Québec, so that, along with our québecoix friends, we could see Luce perform live. It remains the ultimate dream. In the meantime, we, the three Lucequetaires, will meet next week. It promises to be quite an emotional time.
Luce Dufault (far left) with her Lucequetaires: Iraida, Daria and me. Iraida created this montage.

If you would like to follow the adventure, I hope to blog daily, schedule and wi-fi connection allowing. There will be words, pictures and video. It would be nice to know my 'audience' so if you would like to let me know by adding your name to a comment, it would be much appreciated. The journey begins with a flight to Heathrow on Tuesday evening, and then on to St.Petersburg on Wednesday morning.